Soyagen Members

Warkentin, Tom Ph.D.


University of Saskatchewan


Research interest

My main focus is pulse crop breeding with emphasis on pea and soybean.  For soybean the key objectives are high yield and extra-early maturity for the short season regions of western Canada. 

Agriculture Building
51 Campus Dr, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5A8
306 966-2371


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Research Gate: 


  • PhD - University of Saskatchewan 
  • MSc - University of Manitoba 
  • BSA - University of Manitoba

I am involved in objective 2 which aims to develop and to integrate into the breeding programs, the genomic tools and information databases that will allow the efficient and rapid development of early maturity high yielding soybean varieties adapted to the various agro-environmental conditions of Canada. I will be particularly involved in the allelic diversity and phenotypic effects of known earliness genes to determine their effects on development and maturity under the long photoperiod, cool night temperature conditions of western Canada. 

  • 2014 Pulse Promoter of the Year award from BASF and Saskatchewan Pulse Growers
  • 2013 Outstanding Achievement Award, North American Pulse Improvement Association
  • 2011 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Canadian Journal of Plant Sciences